Running Physio in Melbourne – Your Guide to Staying Injury-Free

Running is an excellent way to stay fit and active, but it’s not without its risks. As a running physio in Melbourne, I’ve seen my fair share of runners struggling with injuries. So, if you want to run free, here are the top 10 common running injuries, with tips on prevention and recovery.

  1. Shin Splints: Shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome, result from overuse and can cause pain along the inside of the shinbone, also known as the tibia. The first recovery steps involve analysing life and training load before assessing for any muscle or biomechanical risk factors. A well suited pair of runners can also help manage the condition.
  2. Runner’s Knee: Also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, Runner’s Knee leads to pain around the kneecap. Strengthening exercises and adjusting your running technique where needed can help alleviate the discomfort.
  3. IT Band Syndrome: The iliotibial (IT) band can cause pain on the outside of the knee and leg. Running physios recommend strengthening the gluteal and leg muscles.
  4. Plantar Fasciitis: This painful condition affects the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot. Proper footwear, orthotics, and strength are key to managing this injury.
  5. Achilles Tendinopathy : Irritation of the Achilles tendon can result from overuse and is a common running injury. Calf exercises as well as foot and ankle mechanics are essential for recovery.
  6. Stress Fractures: These stress reactions in the bone are often caused by overtraining. Strength, proper nutrition, and a gradual return to running are crucial for healing.
  7. Ankle Sprains: Rolling or twisting an ankle while running can lead to sprains. Swelling and load management as well as rehabilitation exercises can aid recovery.
  8. Hamstring Strains: Tight or weak hamstrings in runners are prone to strains. As experienced running physios, we recommend stretching and strengthening exercises as well as looking at the surrounding areas to help prevent this problem.
  9. Plantar Fascia Tears: In severe cases, plantar fasciitis can lead to tears in the fascia. Treatment may require more advanced interventions like shockwave therapy.
  10. Stress Reactions: As precursors to stress fractures, stress reactions can be a painful condition. Early detection and rest are crucial to avoid progressing further to fractures.

Remember that prevention is key. However, if you do encounter an injury, it’s best to seek advice from a running physio in Melbourne, as this helps ensure a speedy recovery. Book Online or contact us for further information.
